



A.  The Divine Curse on Coniah (Jehoiachin), Jer 22:28, 30, 36:29-31.

            1. “Childless” means none of Coniah’s sons will ever sit on the Davidic throne.

            2. From Solomon to Coniah is the end of the line. The line goes down to Joseph, the legal but not the real father of Jesus.

            3. The second son of Josiah was Jehoiakim. As a reversionist, his sin unto death was predicted by Jeremiah, Jer 36:29-31. The son of Jehoiakim was Coniah or Jehoiachin.

            4. Coniah ruled in 597 BC for a period of three months and ten days. For the next thirty-six years, he was the prisoner of Nebuchadnezzar.

            5. The curse is cut off with Joseph. The virgin birth of our Lord is the fulfillment of the Coniah curse.

            6. The line of Coniah is not related to the eternal rule of Christ.

            7. This is why two genealogies are listed in the New Testament. Matthew’s is the line of Solomon. Luke’s is the line of Nathan, which goes down to Mary.


B.  The Problem of Genealogy. Matthew traces the genealogy of Christ through Joseph, who is descended from David by way of Solomon and Coniah. Luke traces the genealogy through Mary, who is descended from David through Nathan, 1 Chron 3:5; Lk 3:31.


C.  The Problem of the Physical Death of Christ. Jesus Christ is born through Mary, a virgin pregnancy and birth. This settles the Coniah curse. Now God must fulfill the Davidic covenant. Jesus Christ died after His work was finished because He wasn’t going to rule the earth during His First Advent. So if Jesus Christ stayed in the grave, the Davidic covenant would not be fulfilled. Therefore, God had to resurrect Jesus Christ in order to fulfill the Davidic covenant, Rom 1:3-4; 2 Tim 2:8; Acts 26:6-8.


D.  The Problem of the Inserted Dispensation. The Age of Israel was interrupted for the calling out of the royal family, because Christ is seated alone at the right hand of God. The Church Age appears to hinder the fulfillment of the Davidic covenant, since Christ is in heaven and the Jews are presently under the fifth cycle of discipline. But this problem is resolved by the Rapture of the Church and the resumption of the Jewish Age during the Tribulation.


E.  The Problem of the Destruction of the Universe, Isa 34:4; 2 Pet 3:10-12; Rev 20-21. The destruction of the universe does not hinder the fulfilment of the Davidic covenant because God creates a new heavens and a new earth, Isa 65:17, 66:22; 2 Pet 3:13; Rev 21:1. The seed of David and the nation of Israel will survive the destruction of the universe.


F.  Conclusion. All these problems are offset by the plan of God. For the plan of God always agrees with the integrity of God, as expressed in the Word of God.




© 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
